Top 3 Retail Lease Administration Challenges in India

The retail industry in India has observed massive development and growth in the last decade and is poised to be one of the most influential sectors in the market today. The Indian retail industry has emerged as one of the most dynamic industries thanks to the entry of numerous new players in the market. According to IBEF, the retail industry in this country accounts for more than 10% of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) and approximately 8% of employment.

Just like any industry in India, the retail sector was one among the many that were badly hit, owing to COVID-19. One of the challenges faced by retail brands, even during the uncertainties of the pandemic, is to improve profitability while creating value through lease restructuring and management.

The process of retail lease administration has progressed from a mere supporting role to playing a far stronger part. Effective lease management can facilitate handling data in a better way, which will lead to making far better decisions, thereby resulting in profit for both tenants and landlords. However, it is important to choose the correct lease management system in Mumbai to deal with this challenging process effectively. This is where the all-encompassing and robust CRE Lease Matrix can enter the picture.

Let’s look at the top 3 challenges lease management in retail sector faces and the solutions to combat them:

Extracting Data Effectively & Accurately 

When a retailer has millions of data points about their stores, store locations, and several leases of their outlets from all over the country, it takes a powerful tool to not only store that information but also to be able to extract the pertinent, authentic details needed to make improved business decisions. Moreover, when new stores are launched, which increases the number of leases; companies need a system that comes with a clear but simple intuitive interface that enables inputting new data points.

CRE Lease Matrix, powered by CRE Matrix, can abstract relevant details from lease data and index it. It is then stored in a centralized source where it can be accessed and retrieved very easily. Moreover, the platform uses a maker-checker approach to ensure the accuracy of the data.

Reminders & Notifications for Critical Deadlines 

Sometimes, a retailer can forget about the many lease-related deadlines. More often than not, these critical dates are embedded under the many pages of the leasing contract. So they can frequently be overlooked or missed. If you don’t take timely action, with respect to the deadlines, then it can heavily impact the agreements of the lease and even lead to the financial loss which could eventually impact the bottom line. With CRE Lease Matrix, you don’t have to worry as they have a feature to set reminders and notifications for crucial lease-related dates.

Security Measures

It is important for any retailer to lock their lease-related data and keep them secure. But often, this information is not safe and has the chance of being stolen. CRE Lease Matrix is the best leasing solution for retail as they offer state-of-the-art security measures that ensure the safety of your lease data.

In a nutshell, CRE Lease Matrix offers top-notch lease administration services in MMR and the rest of the country. It can combat and provide solutions to any challenge posed by any company belonging to the retail sector in India.

So what are you waiting for? Subscribe to CRE Lease Matrix now!

To know more, visit our website now.

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