Why is Lease Management Software Preferred over Spreadsheets?

As your company grows, so do your leases. As a leasing manager, you would be responsible for increasing the portfolio and tracking them as well as adding new rows to your spreadsheets as you acquire more leasing units. But as the leases increase, you find it difficult to keep all the data in order, and the time for leasing managers to invest in new technology to manage leases simultaneously. 

This is where an automated lease management system enters the picture. 

Why is Lease Management Software Important?

When you’re a lease manager, it is significant to have the entire record in the form of e-documentation. Documentation management is a big responsibility and it should be done carefully – be it manually or automatically. If your company is leasing one or two properties, handling the leases manually is easier and more efficient. But on the other hand, if you have more leases, it is tough to manage them with accuracy. Therefore, it is vital to have an automatic lease management system India that offers benefits such as easy accessibility, authentic data and smooth management. 

Let’s look at some of the ways lease management software in India such as CRE Lease Matrix is better than spreadsheets:

Manages Numerous Leases Simultaneously:

It is tough to keep track of multiple leases at the same time. In spreadsheets, there is room for human error as the data is stored in several sheets and files. It becomes difficult to locate specific leases since they are scattered. But with CRE Lease Matrix, all the data is stored under one roof. You have the ability to store all the leasing data under one roof. You can manage them simultaneously as you have the capability to add as many as you want and track them at the same time. 

Transparent & Authentic Data 

Leasing data needs to be accurate. Otherwise, it can seriously impact the bottom line and the company can suffer serious financial consequences. With spreadsheets, there is no guarantee that the data is 100% accurate as there is a chance for data to be poor or bad. CRE Lease Matrix is one of the best lease management software in India since it offers transparent & authentic data to its subscribers. It makes use of the maker-checker approach to ensure the authenticity of the data. When the data is correct, managing leases becomes easier. 

Digital Documentation Library 

With spreadsheets, you cannot store all the data in one place. They are bound to be scattered with various files, folders & sheets. But CRE lease Matrix allows you to store crucial lease documents in a digital documentation library. They are easy to retrieve and access. This is one of the reasons why they are the best leasing solutions in India

In a nutshell, the above-mentioned reasons are why lease management software is preferred over spreadsheets nowadays. 

This is why CRE Lease Matrix is truly the best lease administration platform for real estate developers, bankers, hospitality, retail, and many other industries across India. 

So what are you waiting for? Subscribe to CRE Lease Matrix now!

To know more, visit our website www.creleasematrix.com now.

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